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Board Policies

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

In compliance with Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act regulations 40 CFR 763, Subpart E (AHERA), Synergy Academy is required to notify parents, teachers, and all other building occupants that an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) is available to them in the office of the school.  The AMP details the location of asbestos in the building and provides a record of inspections, re-inspections, periodic surveillance, and removal of asbestos.


Periodic surveillance of Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) is conducted by district personnel every six months and a thorough re-inspection of ACBM is conducted once every three years by the school’s environmental consultant. 


If you require more detailed information, please call the school office.

The Gun-Free Schools Act requires schools receiving federal funds to implement a policy mandating the expulsion of students who bring firearms to school for at least one year,

The Drug-Free Workplace Act requires schools receiving federal funds to maintain a drug-free workplace by prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances and implementing policies to ensure compliance.

Additional Board Policies

Conflict of Interest Policy and Code of Ethics for NH Educators - These policies outline the process Synergy will use when a possible conflict exists.

Finance Procedures and Policies - This document is a set of guidelines used to establish and standardize the procedure for purchasing goods and services. In addition to general policies, it also includes:

  • Record Retention Policy

  • Asset Protection Policies

  • Banking and Financial Management Policies

  • Cash Management Procedures

  • Procurement Procedures

  • Allowable Costs Procedures

  • Inventory Management Procedures

  • Time and Effort Reporting Procedures

  • Travel and Expense Procedures

Admissions Plan - Synergy ensures the admissions process is fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory admissions. 

School Closure Plan - Provision for Dissolution of the school including disposition of its assets or amendment of its program plan, and a plan for the education of the school’s pupils after the charter school may cease operation.

Sexual Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy


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